home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2005-03-09 | 9.6 KB | 1,058 lines |
- Home
- ╩╫╥│
- Transfers
- ┤½╩Σ
- New files
- ╨┬╬─╝■
- Search
- ╦╤╦≈
- Event log
- ╩┬╝■
- back
- ╖╡╗╪
- forward
- ╟░╜°
- reload
- ╓╪╨┬╝╙╘╪
- home
- ╩╫╥│
- listen port
- ╝α╠²╢╦┐┌║┼
- Configuration
- ╔Φ╓├
- Restore defaults
- ╗╓╕┤─¼╚╧▓╬╩²
- OK
- ╚╖╢¿
- Cancel
- ═╦│÷
- Apply
- ╙ª╙├
- select download directory
- ╤í╘±╧┬╘╪─┐┬╝
- select finished download directory
- ╤í╘±╥╤═Ω│╔╡─╧┬╘╪─┐┬╝
- exclude adult content
- ╣²┬╦│╔╚╦─┌╚▌
- exclude files with 0 seeds
- ╣²┬╦╓╓╫╙╬¬ 0 ╡─╬─╝■
- minimize to system tray
- ╫ε╨í╗»╡╜╧╡═│╫┤╠¼└╕
- show times in local timezone instead of UTC
- ╧╘╩╛░│├╟╡▒╡╪╩▒╝Σ
- show transfers when starting download
- ╡▒┐¬╩╝╧┬╘╪╩▒║≥,╧╘╩╛┤½╩Σ╥│├µ
- use kiB, MiB, GiB units
- ╙├ kiB, MiB, GiB ╫≈╬¬╡Ñ╬╗
- show uploads and downloads for current session
- ╧╘╩╛╡▒╟░╜°│╠╓╨╡─╔╧┤½║═╧┬╘╪╩²╛▌┴┐
- confirm exit of client
- ═╦│÷╩▒╨Φ╥¬╚╖╚╧
- show log
- ╧╘╩╛╚╒╓╛
- language
- ╙∩╤╘
- Parental protection enabled
- ╩╣╙├╝╥│ñ▒ú╗ñ╣ª─▄
- Enabling parental protection will exclude all
- adult content.
- To enable it, check the box, enter the
- password and press apply. To disable,
- enter the same password, press enter
- and uncheck the box
- ╩╣╙├╝╥│ñ▒ú╗ñ╣ª─▄,┐╔╥╘╣²┬╦╡⌠│╔╚╦─┌╚▌,▒▄├Γ╬┤│╔─Ω╚╦╩▄╡╜▓╗┴╝╨┼╧ó╡─╙░╧∞.
- ╚τ╣√╧δ╞⌠╙├╦ⁿ,╟δ╤í╓╨╔╧├µ╡─╡Ñ╤í┐≥,╚╗║≤╩Σ╚δ├▄┬δ,╡π╗≈"╙ª╙├";
- ╚τ╣√╧δ╜√╙├╦ⁿ,╟δ╩Σ╚δ├▄┬δ,╡Ñ╗≈"╚╖╢¿".
- bind to interface
- ░≤╢¿╢╦┐┌
- node listen port
- ╜┌╡π╝α╠²╢╦┐┌║┼
- username
- ╙├╗º├√
- simultaneous search connections
- ═¼╩▒╦╤╦≈┴¼╜╙╩²
- proxy settings
- ┤·└φ╔Φ╓├
- use HTTP proxy
- ╩╣╙├HTTP┤·└φ
- proxy
- ┤·└φ
- port
- ╢╦┐┌║┼
- password
- ├▄┬δ
- move finished downloads
- ╥╞╢»╥╤═Ω│╔╡─╧┬╘╪╬─╝■
- download folder
- ╧┬╘╪─┐┬╝
- browse
- Σ»└└
- put downloaded files in category directories
- ░╤╧┬╘╪╬─╝■╖╓└α╖┼╡╜╢╘╙ª╡──┐┬╝└∩├µ
- Per file settings
- ╡Ñ╕÷╬─╝■╔Φ╓├
- -1 means unlimited rate
- -1 ▒φ╩╛├╗╙╨╧▐╓╞
- max download rate
- ╫ε┤≤╧┬╘╪╓╡
- max upload rate
- ╫ε┤≤╔╧┤½╓╡
- max upload slots
- ╫ε┤≤╔╧┤½┴¼╜╙╩²
- preferred up/down ratio
- ╔╧┤½/╧┬╘╪ ╖╓╧φ┬╩
- max connections
- ╫ε┤≤┴┤╜╙╩²
- Per seeding file setting
- ╡Ñ╕÷╓╓╫╙╔Φ╓├
- same as download limits
- ║═"╧┬╘╪"╥│├µ╡─╔Φ╓├╥╗╤∙
- auto stop seeding
- ╫╘╢»═ú╓╣╫÷╓╓
- automatically stop seeding
- ╫╘╢»═ú╓╣╔╧┤½╓╨╡─╓╓╫╙
- when share ratio becomes >=
- ╖╓╧φ┬╩┤≤╙┌╗≥╒▀╡╚╙┌
- The share ratio limit will by default
- not apply to files where you are the
- initial seeder. It can also be overridden
- by individual files
- ╚τ╣√╓╓╫╙╩╟─π╖ó▓╝╡─,─╟├┤╘┌─¼╚╧╫┤╠¼╧┬"╖╓╧φ┬╩"╢╘─π└┤╦╡,╩╟╬▐╨º╡─.
- Appearance
- ╜τ├µ
- network
- ═°┬τ
- Downloading
- ╧┬╘╪
- seeding
- ╓╓╫╙
- Global limits
- ╚½╛╓╧▐╓╞
- parental protection
- ╝╥│ñ▒ú╗ñ
- You must enter a password with at least one character
- ─π▒╪╨δ╩Σ╚δ╥╗╕÷├▄┬δú¿▓╗─▄╔┘╙┌╥╗╕÷╫╓╖√ú⌐
- Wrong parental password
- ╝╥│ñ├▄┬δ┤φ╬≤
- the minimum file pack size for the current category
- is
- ╨╓╡▄,─π╧δ║═┤≤╝╥╣▓╧φ╬─╝■,░│├╟║▄╕╨╨╗─πúí▓╗╣²,─π╖ó▓╝╡─╒Γ╕÷╬─╝■╥▓╩╡╘┌╩╟...╠½╨í┴╦úíúíúí│╠╨≥╣µ╢¿╫ε╨í╬─╝■╩╟
- and the size of these file(s) is only
- ╢°╨╓╡▄─π╖ó▓╝╡─╬─╝■╓╗╙╨
- publish
- ╖ó▓╝
- path
- ┬╖╛╢
- browse file
- Σ»└└╬─╝■
- browse dir
- Σ»└└─┐┬╝
- name
- ├√│╞
- category
- ╓╓└α
- sub category
- ╫╙╖╓└α
- language
- ╙∩╤╘
- minimum file size
- ╫ε╨í╬─╝■┤≤╨í
- description
- ├Φ╩÷
- Publish
- ╖ó▓╝
- Close
- ╣╪▒╒
- Select language
- ╤í╘±╙∩╤╘
- select file or directory to publish
- ╤í╘±╥╗╕÷╬─╝■╗≥╒▀─┐┬╝╜°╨╨╖ó▓╝
- error while reading files
- ╡▒╢┴╚í╬─╝■╩▒║≥╖ó╔·┤φ╬≤
- error while publishing file pack
- ╡▒╖ó▓╝╬─╝■╩▒║≥╖ó╔·┤φ╬≤
- select file to publish
- ╤í╘±╬─╝■╜°╨╨╖ó▓╝
- select directory to publish
- ╤í╘±─┐┬╝╜°╨╨╖ó▓╝
- publish limit reached
- ┤∩╡╜╖ó▓╝╝½╧▐
- As a measure to limit flooding the eXeem
- network, you are only allowed to be the initial
- seeder of maximum 25 torrents at any given time.
- ╬¬┴╦╢╘exeem═°┬τ╜°╨╨╙┼╗»╡≈╜┌,╫≈╬¬╓╓╫╙╖ó▓╝╒▀,─π╓╗─▄╫ε╢α═¼╩▒╖ó▓╝25╕÷╓╓╫╙.╕╨╨╗─·╡─╬▐╦╜╖ε╧╫╛½╔±úíúíúí
- unknown language
- ╬┤╓¬╙∩╤╘
- enter an eXeem link (starting with exeem://)
- ╩Σ╚δeXeem╬─╝■┴┤╜╙ú¿╥╘ exeem:// ┐¬═╖ú⌐ú¼┐╔╥╘╡╜www.eXeem.cn╒╥╡╜╕ⁿ╢α╫╩╘┤
- URL:
- ┴┤╜╙╡╪╓╖ú║
- Statistics
- www.eXeem.cn ╓╨╣·╫ε┤≤╡─eXeem╫╩╘┤┴¬├╦
- uploaded
- ╥╤╔╧┤½
- downloaded
- ╥╤╧┬╘╪
- download speed
- ╧┬╘╪╦┘╢╚
- upload speed
- ╔╧┤½╦┘╢╚
- Name
- ├√│╞
- Size
- ┤≤╨í
- Category
- ╓╓└α
- Language
- ╙∩╤╘
- Rating
- ╡╚╝╢
- Seeds
- ╓╓╫╙
- Downloaders
- ╧┬╘╪╒▀
- Comments
- ╞└┬█
- Published
- ╖ó▓╝
- Progress
- ╜°╢╚
- Status
- ״̬
- Down rate
- ╧┬╘╪╦┘╢╚
- Downloaded
- ╥╤╧┬╘╪
- Up rate
- ╔╧┤½╦┘╢╚
- Uploaded
- ╥╤╔╧┤½
- Peers
- ╡π
- Ratio
- ▒╚┬╩
- Size
- ┤≤╨í
- Any language
- ╚╬║╬╙∩╤╘
- Show category
- ╧╘╩╛╓╓└α
- View files
- ▓Θ┐┤╬─╝■
- Refresh
- ╦ó╨┬
- Stop
- ֹͣ
- back
- ╖╡╗╪
- forward
- ╟░╜°
- reload
- ╓╪╨┬╝╙╘╪
- home
- ╩╫╥│
- Search
- ╦╤╦≈
- require all words
- ╨Φ╥¬╦∙╙╨┤╩╙∩
- Size is larger than
- ╫ε┤≤╓╡
- and smaller than
- ╫ε╨í╓╡
- have at least
- ╓┴╔┘
- seeds
- ╓╓╫╙
- Open
- ┤≥┐¬
- Open folder
- ┤≥┐¬╬─╝■╝╨
- Pause
- ╘▌═ú
- Resume
- ╓╪╨┬┐¬╩╝
- Override share limits
- ║÷┬╘╣▓╧φ╧▐╓╞
- Cancel download
- ╚í╧√╧┬╘╪
- Cancel and remove from disk
- ╚í╧√╧┬╘╪▓ó╟╥┤╙╙▓┼╠╔╧╔╛│²
- Info
- ╨┼╧ó
- Copy eXeem link
- ╕┤╓╞eXeem╬─╝■╡╪╓╖
- Copy html eXeem link
- ╕┤╓╞html╕±╩╜╡─exeem ╬─╝■╡╪╓╖
- File
- ╬─╝■
- Open torrent...
- ┤≥┐¬╓╓╫╙...
- Open eXeem link...
- ┤≥┐¬eXeem╓╓╫╙┴┤╜╙...
- Publish file pack...
- ╖ó▓╝╬─╝■┬╖╛╢...
- Exit
- ═╦│÷
- View
- ▓Θ┐┤
- Options
- ╤í╧ε
- Configuration...
- ╔Φ╓├...
- Help
- ░∩╓·
- About...
- ╣╪╙┌...
- │ú╝√╬╩╠Γ
- users
- ╙├╗º
- files
- ╬─╝■
- shared
- ╖╓╧φ
- queued for checking
- ┼┼╢╙╝∞▓Θ
- checking
- ╝∞▓Θ
- connecting
- ┴¼╜╙
- downloading
- ╧┬╘╪
- seeding
- ╫÷╓╓╫╙
- metadata
- ╘¬╩²╛▌
- awaiting peers
- ╡╚┤²╓╨╡─
- Stop seeding
- ═ú╓╣╫÷╓╓
- Stop download
- ═ú╓╣╧┬╘╪
- Open folder
- ┤≥┐¬╬─╝■╝╨
- Your share ratio for torrent:
- ─π╡─╓╓╫╙╣▓╧φ▒╚┬╩
- Low share ratio warning
- ╚τ╣√╓╓╫╙╣▓╧φ┬╩╡═╘≥╖ó│÷╛»╕µ
- error starting torrent download
- ┤φ╬≤╡─╓╓╫╙┐¬╩╝╧┬╘╪
- select torrent file(s)
- ╤í╘±╓╓╫╙╬─╝■
- eXeem link error
- eXeem┴┤╜╙╡╪╓╖┤φ╬≤
- error while connecting to network
- ╡▒┴¼╜╙╡╜═°┬τ╡─╩▒║≥╖ó╔·┤φ╬≤
- connecting to network
- ╒²╘┌┴¼╜╙╡╜═°┬τ
- There's a new version available, version
- ╥╤╛¡╙╨╨┬░µ▒╛╖ó▓╝┴╦,░µ▒╛
- Your current version is
- ─π╧╓╘┌╡─░µ▒╛╩╟
- Do you want to download and install the new version?
- ─π╧ú═√╔²╝╢╡╜╫ε╨┬╡─░µ▒╛┬≡?
- (the new version will be used the next time
- you restart the client).
- (╨┬░µ▒╛╜½╘┌─π╧┬┤╬╞⌠╢»╡─╩▒║≥╔·╨º).
- Changes
- ▒Σ╗»
- new version available
- ╙╨╨┬░µ▒╛┤µ╘┌
- open eXeem link
- ┤≥┐¬eXeem┴┤╜╙╡╪╓╖
- Games
- ╙╬╧╖
- Apps
- ╙ª╙├
- Movies
- ╡τ╙░
- TV Shows
- ╡τ╩╙╜┌─┐
- Anime
- ╢»┬■
- Music
- ╥⌠└╓
- Adult
- │╔╚╦
- Other
- ╞Σ╦ⁿ
- Windows
- Windows
- Linux
- Linux
- Mac
- Mac
- Consoles
- ┐╪╓╞╠¿
- High quality
- ╕▀╓╩┴┐
- Mid quality
- ╓╨╓╩┴┐
- Low quality
- ╡═╓╩┴┐
- Trailers
- Trailers
- Samples
- └²╫╙
- Videos
- ╩╙╞╡
- Audio
- ╥⌠╞╡
- Audio books
- ╥⌠╞╡╩Θ
- Pictures
- ͼƬ
- Documents
- ╬─╡╡
- English
- ╙ó╬─
- No language
- ├╗╙╨╙∩╤╘
- French
- ╖¿╬─
- German
- ╡┬╬─
- Japanese
- ╚╒╬─
- Chinese
- ╓╨╬─
- Spanish
- ╬≈░α╤└╬─
- Select a category
- ╤í╘±╥╗╕÷╓╓└α
- All categories
- ╦∙╙╨╓╓└α
- finished download folder
- ╥╤═Ω│╔╡─╧┬╘╪╬─╝■╝╨
- All sub categories
- ╦∙╙╨╫╙─┐┬╝
- Select a sub category
- ╤í╘±╥╗╕÷╫╙─┐┬╝
- info for
- ╨┼╧ó
- Completed
- ═Ω│╔
- Peer
- ╡π
- Filename
- ╬─╝■├√
- Description
- ├Φ╩÷
- Contents
- ─┌╚▌
- description not available
- ├Φ╩÷╬¬┐╒
- Sub category
- ╫╙─┐┬╝
- downloading comments
- ╧┬╘╪╞└┬█
- comment
- ╞└┬█
- post comment
- ╖ó▒φ╞└┬█
- refresh
- ╦ó╨┬
- comments for
- ╞└┬█
- error posting comment
- ╖ó▒φ╞└┬█│÷┤φ
- You may only post comments as a seed
- ─π╓╗─▄╫÷╓╓╫╙╡─╩▒║≥,▓┼─▄╖ó▒φ╞└┬█
- Failed to receive comments from tracker. Try again later.
- ╜╙╩╒╞└┬█╩º░▄,╓╪╩╘
- paused
- ╘▌═ú
- d
- d
- h
- h
- m
- m
- s
- s
- infinite
- ╬▐╧▐
- Vote OK
- ═╢╞▒│╔╣ª
- Vote NOT OK
- ═╢╞▒╩º░▄
- download folders
- ╧┬╘╪╬─╝■╝╨
- quit
- ═╦│÷
- Are you sure you want to quit eXeem?
- www.eXeem.cn╠ß╨╤─·ú║
- ╚╖╢¿╥¬═╦│÷ú┐
- The system cannot find the file specified.
- ╧╡═│├╗╙╨╖ó╧╓╕°╢¿╡─╬─╝■
- Italian
- ╥Γ┤≤└√╙∩
- Rank
- ╡╚╝╢
- hits
- ╡π╗≈
- Download
- ╧┬╘╪
- Abort search
- ╓╨╓╣╦╤╦≈
- done
- ═Ω│╔
- Seeding
- ╫÷╓╓
- Network
- ═°┬τ
- Interface language
- ╟δ╤í╘±╙∩╤╘
- View options
- ▓Θ┐┤╤í╧ε
- This setting will take effect the next time you start eXeem
- ╓╗╙╨╓╪╨┬╞⌠╢»eXeemú¼╒Γ╕÷╔Φ╓├▓┼╔·╨º
- eXeem has detected that you are blocking its advertisments.
- eXeem's development is ad supported, so in order to continue
- the development of the program, eXeem needs to stay ad supported.
- Your downloads will be limited to maximum 5 kB per second, if
- you continue to block the advertisments.
- eXeem╥╤╛¡╖ó╧╓─π╒²└╣╜╪╣π╕µ.╬╥├╟╬¬┴╦╗±╡├╚φ╝■┐¬╖ó╨Φ╥¬╡─╫╩╜≡,╬¬┴╦╩╣eXeem╕ⁿ║├╕ⁿ│ñ╛├╡─╔·┤µ,╘┌╚φ╝■└∩├µ╖┼╓├┴╦╣π╕µ.╚τ╣√─π╝╠╨°└╣╜╪╣π╕µ╡─╗░,─π╡─╧┬╘╪╦┘╢╚╜½╧▐╓╞╘┘5 kB.╧ú═√─·┐╔╥╘└φ╜Γúíúíúí
- Do you wish to remove the speed limit?
- ─π╒µ╡─╧ú═√│╖╧·╦┘╢╚╧▐╓╞?
- The new version is available at
- ╨┬░µ▒╛┤µ╘┌
- Do you want to go there?
- ─π╒µ╧δ╥¬╚Ñ─╟└∩┬≡ú┐
- Pressing yes will close eXeem, you have to restart it yourself
- ╡π╗≈╚╖╢¿╜½╗ß╣╪▒╒eXeemú¼─π▒╪╨δ╫╘╝║╩╓╢»╓╪╞⌠╥╗╧┬
- Quit eXeem
- ═╞│÷eXeem
- About eXeem
- ╣╪╙┌eXeem
- Uploading will assure that the network stays alive, which in the
- end will benefit you. Do you really want to stop seeding?
- ╔╧┤½╜½╢╘─π╙╨╥µ.╥≥╬¬╒Γ╤∙┐╔╥╘▒ú╓ñ╒Γ╕÷╬─╝■╡─╓╓╫╙│ñ╛├╙╨╨º.─π╒µ╡─╧ú═√╣╪▒╒╓╓╫╙┬≡?
- The new version is available at
- ╨┬░µ▒╛┤µ╘┌
- Do you want to go there?
- ─π╒µ╧δ╥¬╚Ñ─╟└∩┬≡ú┐
- Exclude files in language
- ┼┼│²╒Γ╕÷╙∩╤╘╡─╬─╝■
- ----------------------------------------------------
- http://www.exlite.pl/ - http://www.exlite.cn/